The initial idea for St Herman was to have him standing firm on an island with an island behind him. This idea remained, and grew accordingly. It seemed important to have these sort of floating islands behind him with chapels on. St. Herman is foundational in his work, the efforts by him and others were very important in bringing Orthodoxy to the Americas, and the islands/the ground are growing upwards, reaching towards Heaven from these efforts. Paul brought it to my attention that his monks lived on a series of islands, and paddled between them in canoes. These chaps were incorporated into the design. The animal chosen was a stag, I am unaware of any miraculous tales that are of the same ilk of the likes of St Cuthbert or St Colman, it just seemed appropriate for him to be stood beside one.
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St Herman of Alaska
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The initial idea for St Herman was to have him standing firm on an island with an island behind him. This idea remained, and grew accordingly. It seemed important to have these sort of floating islands behind him with chapels on. St. Herman is foundational in his work, the efforts by him and others were very important in bringing Orthodoxy to the Americas, and the islands/the ground are growing upwards, reaching towards Heaven from these efforts. Paul brought it to my attention that his monks lived on a series of islands, and paddled between them in canoes. These chaps were incorporated into the design. The animal chosen was a stag, I am unaware of any miraculous tales that are of the same ilk of the likes of St Cuthbert or St Colman, it just seemed appropriate for him to be stood beside one.